What I did as a writer this week: Pre-Election Edition

Freesia McKee
Nov 1, 2020

This is the second installment in an ongoing series of self-accountability posts about what I’m doing on a weekly basis as a writer.

Submitted and landed a pitch with a national publication | Posted a rejected op-ed to my Medium page | Submitted a poetry workshop proposal to a festival | Scheduled and completed interviews for an article | Met with an writer/student on Zoom| Wrote a book review | Pitched an article idea to a new publication | Gave feedback to students | Emailed with a writer friend | Perused publications and added some ideas to my spreadsheet| Publicized publications on social media | Made finalist in a book contest| Submitted book manuscript to publishers | Met with a writing coaching client | Signed up for a guest blogging gig | Read a whole bunch | Started NaNoWriMo project

If you are able to, vote vote vote, and see you next week.



Freesia McKee

Poet, essayist, performer, teacher. Author of HOW DISTANT THE CITY (Headmistress Press, 2017). Micropublisher. Lover of radio.